Mary Woodard Lasker, “The Fairy Godmother of Medical Research”

The effort to combat cancer occurs on many fronts: the cancer patient’s home, 诊所, 手术室, 输液中心, 辐射室, and the various diagnostic departments. These constitute the public “face” of cancer care. Less immediately apparent are the research laboratories and clinics where oncology investigators delve deep into the biology of cancer, seeking to reveal the secrets of the disease, 探查关键弱点, using the knowledge gained to develop tools and weapons to aid the fight. It is an expensive prospect, in time, in effort, and in resources. Throughout the history of the “war on cancer,” the ability to carry on the fight has depended on persons with vision and passion, 而且获得资金的渠道也不少, or the ability to persuade others in positions of power and wealth—and even the members of the general public—to join the common cause. 这样一个充满激情的梦想家, 说服力和影响力的发电机, 玛丽·伍德沃德·拉斯克(1900-1994).

Mary Lasker, even from childhood, knew the devastation serious illness can wreak upon human lives. Early in life she had a memorable encounter in the home of a woman who had survived drastic surgery to treat breast cancer. She never forgot the effect this had on the woman’s family, including several small children. 她的父母早逝. After a successful career as a businesswoman and through her marriage alliance with a man whose genius in advertising had brought him great material prosperity and access to the corridors of American power, 夫人. Lasker turned her considerable talents to achieving real progress in medicine. The early decades of the century had seen some gains, especially in infectious diseases with the advent of antibiotics and progress in creating effective vaccines, but satisfying answers to devastating diseases such as cancer and cerebrovascular disease proved elusive. 夫人. Lasker had learned from her husband’s business experience and success that large sums of money can persuade Americans to purchase heavily advertised consumer goods. She reasoned a similar exuberant financial effort could persuade many to finance medical research.

In the middle years of the Second World War, 夫人. Lasker approached the Manhattan offices of the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC) to learn what it was accomplishing and was horrified to learn the organization was little more than a means for socializing among a few physicians and scientists. She then embarked upon what we now call a media blitz, strategically engaging the popular reach of 《网上买球软件》 to educate the public about cancer and efforts to combat it. 从这个, she reaped donations amounting to several hundreds of thousands of dollars, which she turned right around into lobbying efforts and further ways of persuading wealthy donors to contribute. In 1945, 她或多或少霸占了ASCC, replacing and enhancing the organization’s leadership, transforming it into the American Cancer Society, which became a far more effective organ for cancer education and fundraising.

By partnering with an esteemed clinical cancer researcher at Harvard University, Sidney Farber, 夫人. Lasker was able to extend her reach into the halls of the federal government. The pair commenced a two-decade effort to persuade members of Congress and several presidents to commit to what became known as the “war on cancer,” or (in the era of NASA’s Apollo space missions) the “cancer moonshot.” This eventuated in the passage of the National Cancer Act in 1971.

Mary Lasker proved to be a woman ahead of her time. Cancer research and treatment in the 1960s and 1970s were unable to produce the immediate gains she sought, but her efforts laid important groundwork. Succeeding generations have harvested from what she sowed.
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Very inspiring, we bought her book from PCTechSupply.Com,让我们班的人读. 谢谢你的邮件!

